
Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

According to research conducted in the UK, vitamin D deficiency can lead to Alzheimer's disease and various forms of dementia. Regular intake of vitamin D significantly reduces these risks, experts say.

Although we are a country that embraces sunlight, vitamin D deficiency in Turkey and around the world paves the way for health problems. A long-term study conducted in the UK and published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of various types of dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease. According to the results of the study, these risks were significantly reduced in individuals with adequate vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D and Dementia

In the study, participants whose health status was monitored for 14 years, it was determined that the risk of dementia increased by 19% to 25% in those with low vitamin D levels. In participants who regularly took vitamin D supplements, the risk of Alzheimer’s disease decreased by 17% and the risk of dementia due to vascular diseases decreased by 14%.

Expert Opinions and Recommendations

Çakmak Erdem Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Nazan Eryiğit emphasized that vitamin D is important not only for bone health but also for mental health. Dr. Eryiğit stated that one of the underlying causes of forgetfulness problems seen in young people may be vitamin D deficiency and made the following suggestions:

  • Sunbathing: “Not using protection while sunbathing is ideal for vitamin D synthesis. Sunlight should come in direct contact with the skin.”
  • Nutrition: “Oily fish and omega 3-rich foods should be consumed. At the same time, diets with plenty of vegetables and greens, such as the Mediterranean diet, should be preferred.”
  • Supplement Use: “Vitamin D supplements should be administered under the supervision of a physician and with the measurement of blood values. Excessive and uncontrolled intake can lead to poisoning.”

The Importance of Sun and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a vitamin that can be obtained by getting enough sunlight. Dr. Eryiğit emphasized the importance of direct exposure to sunlight and the need to stay in the sun for at least 45 minutes every day. He also stated that the light coming from behind glass will not contribute to vitamin D synthesis and that it is essential to spend time outdoors.


In the light of this research and expert recommendations, preventing vitamin D deficiency and keeping it at appropriate levels is of great importance to prevent serious health problems such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. For a healthy life, dietary and lifestyle adjustments should be made by considering vitamin D levels. When forgetfulness and other neurological symptoms are noticed, a health institution should be consulted immediately.

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