Power Struggle in Sudan: Musa Hilal and the Revolutionary Awakening Council’s Alliance with the Sudanese Army
Musa Hilal, a powerful leader from Sudan's Darfur region, announced his cooperation with the Sudanese army against the Rapid Support Forces. This strategic alliance between Hilal and the Revolutionary Awakening Council could have significant implications for regional security and political balances.
In Sudan’s complex political and military landscape, recent statements by Musa Hilal, a powerful figure in the Darfur region, are likely to reshape the balance of power in the region. Speaking last Monday in al-Fashir, the capital of North Darfur, in front of the men of his tribe and a large military and civilian audience, Hilal, the head of the Revolutionary Awakening Council and leader of the Mahamid tribe, stated that they are in full alliance with the Sudanese army against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
Hilal’s statements are seen as a critical turning point in the resolution of the current security and political crisis, especially in Sudan. “It is unacceptable for a good citizen to destroy or accept the occupation of his homeland. We declare that we stand with the state, the homeland and the sovereign institutions, and we announce that our place is with the Sudanese army and not with any militia,” he said.
Background Musa Hilal and Janjaweed Militias
During the civil war in Darfur in 2003, Musa Hilal led the formation of the Janjaweed militia, a group of Arab tribesmen. This group sided with the Sudanese army in the conflict in Darfur, fighting against other armed groups trying to dominate the region. However, the Janjaweed militia led by Hilal has also been at the center of human rights violations and violence.
Relations between Hilal and the Government of Sudan
Hilal’s relations with the Sudanese government have ebbed and flowed over time. Disagreements, particularly over arms collection projects, exacerbated tensions between Hilal and the government. Despite the government’s offers of mediation, Hilal insisted on maintaining its own conditions, which led to occasional clashes.
International Dimension: International Criminal Court
In 2006, Hilal authorized forces under his command to carry out attacks on villages in Darfur. Following these actions, he was added to the wanted list of the International Criminal Court. However, this did not diminish his political and military influence. In 2017, Hilal was arrested by the NLD and was pardoned and released by the Sudanese Sovereignty Council in 2021.
Future Perspective
Musa Hilal’s decision to cooperate with the Sudanese army is seen as a promising development for security and stability in the Darfur region. However, how this alliance will affect the relations with other powerful groups such as the HNC, and what political consequences it will have at the regional and national level will be decisive for the future of Sudan in the coming period.
This ongoing power struggle in Sudan is being closely monitored not only regionally but also internationally. These strategic decisions taken by Musa Hilal and the Revolutionary Awakening Council are among the important developments closely followed by the countries in the region and the international community. These dynamics may have long-term implications for the future of Darfur and the stability of Sudan in general.